Annual Report



Nestled in the foothills of Appalachian Ohio, Rural Action was founded in 1991 on the principle that locally-based, sustainable, and inclusive development is the main strategy for building resilient rural Appalachian communities.

Rural Action’s mission is to build a more just economy by developing the region’s assets in environmentally, socially, and economically sustainable ways. Together, we envision a region with clean streams and healthy forests; a place where thriving family farms, meaningful livelihoods and vibrant communities exist for everyone; with people engaged as good stewards of the world they live in and working together to make this vision a reality.

As a membership-based organization, we believe the best development is done with participation from diverse groups who have a stake in the outcome. Our role is to empower communities to value and take ownership of our environment, economy, and community, so we can meet the needs of the current generation while also building a just and sustainable future.

Rural Action continues to expand because there is great demand for smart, local solutions to global and regional problems. Our reach is made possible through a robust national service program, administered by Rural Action in partnership with more than a dozen Ohio organizations.

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Honey Bee Vintage Illustration

letter from leadership

Dear friends,

We hope you enjoy this report on Rural Action’s work in 2022. The work we’re engaged in together is having a positive impact in our region, and we are so pleased to be able to share some of these successes with you in our annual report.

This work is only possible due to the passion and hard work of lots of people — our members, our partners, and the communities we work with. That’s not just a polite nod to the concept of partnership — we mean it with all our hearts. The projects you’ll read about in this annual report absolutely rely on strong relationships and real collaboration. We are so grateful to be able to work in a region that understands that — a region where people care more about solving problems than about who gets credit for it.

If you want to hear real stories about people making a difference, grab a cup of tea and settle in for some inspiration. People are working together to make a difference through projects as varied as historic preservation in McArthur to our work with Fellows from Zimbabwe and Tanzania. And if you want a quick glance at some statistics, you will find that too.

We are living in complex times. The challenges that are already present due to climate change, and the slow and bumpy recovery from a global pandemic impacts the work we do every day. There are big opportunities to support our communities and our region and to scale up the innovations that have been nurtured by caring people here at home. We can make a difference, in ways large and small, and we do it best when we work together.

Thank you for taking the time to learn more about what we — all of us, including you — have accomplished together as part of Rural Action. Thank you for caring enough to be involved in creating solutions. We’re grateful.

read our annual report stories

Making quality food accessible in Appalachia

For the fourth year in a row, Rural Action helped provide thousands of produce prescriptions to Mid-Ohio Valley families to make healthy food — and healthy living — more accessible.

Mineland reclamation revives historic hotel

Thanks to collaboration between Rural Action and many partners, Vinton County’s sole and historic hotel will once again be in operation at the heart of its county seat.

From Africa to Appalachia

Local problems require global solutions. Nobody realizes this better than Darlington Mafa, of Zimbabwe, and Felician Ezekiel, of Tanzania, whom Rural Action hosted as Community Solutions Fellows last year.

Thrift store promotes community, waste diversion

The intentional flow of materials and mission behind UpCycle Ohio aligns with Rural Action’s long standing commitment to zero waste and the work the organization was already doing through initiatives such as the Zero Waste Pledge, zero waste event support, and hard-to-recycle collections — all through the Zero Waste Program, also located at the 751 W. Union St. location. UpCycle fit perfectly into the collaborations Zero Waste has been building upon for years.

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Eastern Hellbender


reached through CHaRM (Center for Hard to Recycle Materials) events and other recycling events that diverted


from the waste stream through the Zero Waste Program

133,465 ACRES

of high quality wetland and stream restoration project sites identified in the Maumee River Watershed


installed at three sites in the Walhonding Watershed


provided by Appalachian Understories and


paid for sharing their skills and knowledge with the community



donated through the Tuscarawas Donation Station and distributed to individuals and organizations

Doodle Acorn


across 1,119 acres in nine counties and two states by the Sustainable Forestry team to assist landowners in nontimber forest product cultivation and sustainable land management

450,000 DOLLARS

distributed to local farmers through the Chesterhill Produce Auction sales, produce purchasing for Buying Club, produce prescriptions, and produce distribution

members and donors

Members are central and essential to the work of Rural Action, and we count on them for their leadership, advocacy, volunteerism, and financial support. The following individuals and organizations helped to sustain the organization in 2022 and allow us to plan for the future. Learn more about membership by visiting our website at

Aaron Burk and Jane Balbo

Aaron Dye

Aaron J. Hershberger

Abdul Salam Jahanfo Abdulai

Abigail Haffelt

Abigail Rainey

Adam Kody

Adriane and Martin Mohlenkamp

Aimee and Rob Delach

Alan and Ruth Palo

Alan and Terry Swank

Alan Geiger

Albert Rouzie

Alden Gilliom

Aleena Robinson

Alex Thornhill

Alexandria Polanosky

Alexis Mikanik

Alicia McConeghey

Alison McCoy

Allan & Candi Withem

Allen and Corrine White

Allison Ricket

Allison Shaw

Allyn and Marsha Reilly

Alyssa Reinagle

Amy and Bob Grove

Amy Lipka

Amy Lloyd

Ana Rosado and Christopher Feger

Anan Almomani

Andi Chatfield

Andrew Snyder

Angela & Mike Brown

Angela Hammond

Anita James

Ann Brown and Kenneth Holroyd

Ann Furste

Ann Moneypenny and Michael Kleinman

Anna Crabtree

Anna Haught

Anne Sparks

April Nichols

Arianna Rinaldi-Eichenberg

Ariel Chamberlain

Ashley Grace

Athens Conservancy

Athens Garden Club

Aubrei Krummert and Julio Arauz

Autumn Alexander

Bagel Street Deli

Barbara Flowers

Barbara Harrison and Pat Gordon

Barbara Valente

Barry and Kate Oches

Barry and Linda Badertscher

Becca Vidmar

Belle Everett

Berry Dilley

Beth Ferrier

Betty Hollow

Betty Lowe

Bev Flanigan

Billie Kariher

Blue Eagle Music

Blue Rock Station LLC

Bob Eichenberg

Bobbi Conliffe

Bonnie Prince

Brad Metzler

Brandis Bickley

Brandy Niederhuber

Breanna Jarvis

Brenda Metcalf

Brenda Nelson

Brenen's Coffee Cafe

Brent and Sara Hartman

Brian and Kirsten Ritchie

Brice Frasure

Bruce and Hylie Voss

Bryan Fortson

Bryan Hinkle

Bryn Sowash

Buehler's Fresh Foods - Dover

Burr Beard

Burr Oak Lodge

Caitlin Garrity and Sarah Maj

Cara Sheets

Carleen Yocum

Carol and Bruce Kuhre

Carol Beale

Carol Lyons

Carol Polanosky

Carole and Joe Schloss

Caroline Perruci

Carolyn Allen

Carolyn and Chip Ditchendorf

Carrie Lockhart

Casa Nueva

Casey Slive

Cassidy Arbuthnot

Catherine and Benjamin Lachman

Catherine Galla

Catherine Hare

Cecelia Weldon

Chad and Jessica Kinney

Char and John Kopchick

Charis Murray

Charles and Alice Ross

Charles Hambel and Katrina Schultes

Charles Warnimont

Charlie Adkins

Chase Hostetler

Cheri Porter

Cheryl Cesta

Chloe Bailey

Chris Bogzevitz

Chris Chmiel and Michelle Gorman

Chris McGinnis

Chris Ratcliff

Christa Myers

Christa Salm

Christian Morgan

Christine Kirby

Christine Knisely and David McCoy

Christine Miles

Christopher Donohue

Christy and Scott Nisley

Christy Pugh

Ciara Jones

Ciara Martin

Cindy and Jeff Stewart

Cindy Whited

Cita Strauss

Claire Klodell

Claire Ramsey

Clarissa Hitchon

Claudia Hale

Colleen Morgan

Connie Brown

Constance Gabbard and Milton Greek

Corinne Carper

Corrine M Brown and Barbara Berry

Cort and Kelly Forgrave

Courtney Curtner

Courtney Lefebvre

Craig McCarthy and Holly Raffle

Crissa Cummings

Cycle Path

Cynthia and Paul Freedman

Cynthia and Ron Birt

Dale and Lori Arnold

Dallas Taylor

Dan and Marilyn Lipka

Dana Norris

Dana Wiseman

Danette Carr

Danielle Bernstein

Danny Moates

Darlene Sue Leonhart

Dave Schaffer

Dave Shively

David and Dorthy Pritchard

David and Elaine Dabelko

David and Jeanne Heaton

David and Karin Bright

David and Pamela Schatz

David B Walker

David Descutner and DeLysa Burnier

David Keller

David Lowe

David Persinger

David Singer

David Tees and Melanie Schori

Debbie and Allen Clark

Debbie and Greg Robertson

Debbie and John Schmieding

Debbie Phillips

Deborah Daniels

Deborah Kerwood

Deborah Wagoner

Debra McBride

Delia Palmisano

Dena Sico

Denise Allen

Denise Peters

Dennis Clement

Devra Roberts

Diane McVey and Craig Johnson

Diane Tremper

Dianne Bouvier

Dominic Straquadine

Don and Maryalice Turner

Don Flournoy

Doug Albaugh

Doug and Jen Miller

Doug Brooks

Douglass Green

Dr. Neil E. Richard and Dr. Valorie J. Miille

Duncan Hadley

Dyana Robenalt


Eclipse Company Store

Ed Newman and Martha Bishop

Eddie and Emily Smith

Edward Kruse

Elaine and Douglas Goetz

Eleanor Reagan

Eli and Jill Flournoy

Elisa Levy

Elizabeth Clodfelter

Elizabeth Knies

Elizabeth Sayrs

Elizabeth Strassman

Elle Dickerman

Ellen Gerl and James Schulz

Ellie Dale

Ellie Koewler

Ellie Shanklin

Elma Snyder

Emily Bentley

Emily Feist

Emily Fouts

Emily Walter

Emma Bycofski

Emma Stefanick

Eric Kimble

Erick Siders

Erik Hagerman

Erin and Curt Sykes

Erin Moir

Erin Perko

Eve Kelley

Factory Street Studio

Faith Knutsen

Francis Sullivan

Frans Doppen and Loraine McCosker

Fred Silvia

Fred Snell

Frederick and Teresa Hindman

Gabriel Riggle

Garth Coombs, Jr. and Amy Coombs

Gary Goosman and Mary Ann Westendorf

Gary Oyler

Geoff and Kirsten Dabelko

Geoffrey and Michelle Greenfield

George Wood and Marcia Marie Burchby

Georgia Barnhart

Gerard Hilferty and Jacquelyn Fokes

Gillian and David Berchowitz

Gloria Teicher

Grace Connolly

Gregory Howard

Gregory Kessler and Melissa Wales

Haley Johnson

Hana Duncan

Hannah Bernstein

Hannah Hartman

Hannah Kopp

Hannah Kresse

Harmony Dotson

Harold Perkins and Katherine Able-Perkins

Harry Baker, Jr.

Hazel Escobedo

Heather and Philip Cantino

Heather Jobson

Heidi Wilhelm

Heike M Perko

Herman Hill

Hocking Hills Inn & Coffee Emporium

Holes in the Wall Collective

Homer Elliot and Robin Barnes

Howard Peller and Maddie Fraioli

Hunter Simmons

J A M Mostahidul Alam

Jack Everett

Jacob Richard

Jacqueline Warmke

Jake McCarthy

James and Marilyn Meek

James Bates

James Bevins

James Lloyd

Jamie Noon

Jane Jacobs

Jane Z. Woodrow

Janessa Stigler

Janet Holladay

Janet Landon

Jared Lape

Jarvis Huck

Jason Pyles

Jay Bird and Shannon Stewart

Jay Bird and Shannon Stewart

Jaymie Strecker

Jeffrey Baker

Jen and David Simon

Jenna Balazs

Jennifer A Holmes

Jennifer Foehl

Jenny Byers

Jeremy and Jen Bowman

Jeremy Held

Jess Fritz

Jessica Jasso

Jessica Miller

Jessie Bennett

Jessie Dickson

Jessie Powers

Jesus and Julia Pagan

Jim and Josie Stricklin

Jim Hart

Jo and Michael Carpenter

Joanna Sokol

Joanne Limbach

Joe Barbaree

Joe Brehm

Joe Hershberger

Joel Laufman

Joey Berry

Johanna and Dan Vorisek

John and Janis Tysko

John and Kelli Kotowski

John and Mandy Haseley

John and Suzanne Howell

John Cotton

John Gilliom and Amy King

John H Taylor

John Hauser and Linda Parsons

John Hoopingarner

John J. Hershberger

John Latschar

John Peters

John Steen

John Stelzer

Johna Metcalf

Johnson Charitable Gift Fund

Jolinda and Gregory Foley

Jon Sowash and Kassandra Watts

Joseph Herrington and Anna Auteri

Joseph Moosbrugger

Josh Beatty

Josh Ervin

Judith Daso

Judith Svendsen

Julia Sullivan

Julian Narvaez-Wiener

Julie Finlay

Justin Kale

Karam Sheban

Karen and Ken Cunningham

Karen Chatfield

Karen Hayes

Karsen Bailey

Karyn Allman

Karyn Kaplan

Kate Montgomery

Katherine Jellison and David Winkelmann

Kathleen and Curtis Smith

Kathryn and Chris Cooper

Kathryn Ortt

Kathy Berry and Chip Kreig

Kathy Bick

Katie Kelly

Katie Mosher

Katy Kropf and Nick Tepe

Katy Pretorius

Kay Tousley and William Owens

Kecia Stewart-slob

Keith Macartney

Keith Rodgers

Keith Wilde

Kelly Capuzzi

Kelly Capuzzi

Kelly Miller

Kelly Morman

Kelsey Daniels

Kelsey Siekkinen

Kelsey Starr

Ken and Deborah Edwards

Kenneth Turner

Kevin And Kay Nichols

Kevin Buettner

Kevin King

Kim Nagle

Kimberly Hale

Kindred Market

Kristen and William Kiser

Kristen Combs

Kristin Kinnard and Matt Vermillion

Kristin Lowe

Kristina Borovicka Gerig and Chris Gerig

Kurt Shelley

Kyle Driscoll

Lance Stephens

LaRanda Piatt

Larry Ogg

Larry's Dawg House

Laura and Adam Saltman

Laura and Calvin Miller

Laura Ayala

Laura Bennett

Laura Elder

Laura Olbers

Laura Stewart

Laura Weeks

Lauren Dikis

Lauren Miller

Laurie and Kate Vancouver

Layla Walter

Lenny and Lisa Eliason

Leona Cibrowski

Lesley and Scott Moore

Leslie and Jack Flemming

Leslie Dunn

Leslie Dybiec

Lillie Kearns

Linda and Kenneth Button

Linda and Pete Clark

Lindsey Rist

Linn Forhan and Patricia O'Brien

Lisa and Scott Carson

Lisa Villamil

Lisa Youngstrom

Little Fish Brewing Company

Little Professor Book Center

Liz Myers

Lori Gromen and Kent Butler

Lou Driever

Lowell Ben Howard

Luann Cooperrider

Luther and Jeanne Haseley

Lynda Berman

Lynette Peck

Lynn and Tom Lovdal

Lynn Miller

Maddie Fraioli

Maddie Snyder

Madison McWilliams

Marcus Molea

Margy Kramer and Peter Woyar

Maria Kline

Maria Mary Mugeni

Maribeth Saleem-Tanner

Marilyn Sue Foster and Don Shamblin

Marissa and Nick Lautzenheiser

Mark and Marcia Shubert

Mark and Rita Snider

Mark Bradford

Mark M McKenzie

Mark McManus

Mark Sunderman

Marlene and Gregory Greene

Martina Mann

Marty Zinn

Mary Ann Borch and Bob Kerber

Mary Anne Reeves

Mary Costello

Mary Jane Kelley

Mary Jo Bole

Mary Lou Wycinski

Mary Nally

Mary Rust

Maryann and Norman Garber

Mat Roberts and Meredith Hamsher

Matt Cutlip

Matt Ledford

Matt Majkszak

Matt McCready

Matthew and Beth Graff

Matthew Irish

Maureen Coon

Mckenzie Longwell

McLane Nagy

Megan Westervelt and Josue Arteaga

Meghan Ellis

Melissa Beatty

Melissa Lewis

Melissa Raber

Melisse Aspery

Melody Linscott

Merl and Mim Almquist

Mia Miller

Micah Covert

Micah McCarey

Michael Adams & Julie Gee

Michael J Hart

Michael Krutsinger

Michael Kubisek

Michael Lloyd

Michael Pistrui

Michele Papai and David Drabold

Michelle Shively MacIver

Michelle Stobart

Michelle Wilson

Mik Schuyler

Mike and Amy Nicolai

Mike and Jan Steinmaus

Mike Lorz

Miranda Hilt

Miriam Hart

Mitch and Sue Farley

Molly Jo Stanley

Molly Souhrada

Molly Sowash

Molly Yeager

Morgan Hager

Morgan Thomas

Morgan Vischiasson

Mosha Trout

Moss Nash

Mryia Williams

Myra Moss

Nancy Manring

Nancy Pierce

Natalie Johnson

Neill and Karoline Lane

Nicholas Pilewski

Nick and Tammy Bobo

Nick Finoccioli and Lara Neal

Nigel Daniels and Natalie Kruse Daniels

Nikki Ransom

Olivia LoGuidice

Owen Buckley

Oxbow River and Stream Restoration

Pam Harvey

Pam Holman

Pat Cadle

Patricia Drerup

Patrick O'Conner and Nancy Stevens

Patty Mitchell

Paul E. and Catherine Knoop

Paul Mass and Kate Fetterolf

Paul Patton

Paul Reed

Paul Tescher and June Holley

Paula Lockard

Perry Varnadoe

Peter and Laurie Lowe

Peter Wuscher

Petra Schmalbrock

Phil La Susa

Phyllis Baxter

Pieta Steffens

PJ Harshberger

Preston Prather

Ransom Family Fund

Rebecca Acheson

Rebecca LaSor-Martin

Rebecca Lyon

Rebecca Vazquez and Mark Skillings

Rebekah Marquart

Renee Steffen

Rev. James and Carol Waugh

Rex Millhone

Rhonda Hulett

Ric Wasserman

Rich Greenlee

Rick Fligor and Kathy Weckbacher

Rita and Denis Case

Robert and Arlene Sheak

Robert and Polly Sumney

Robert Benz

Robert Beyfuss

Robert Frank and Allie Sandow

Robert Henninge and Rebecca Dale

Robert Scott Placier

Robert Stewart and Penny Shelton

Robert Tinnell

Robert Weiser and Kristen Berry

Robin Bozian

Robin Wilson

Robyn Wright-Strauss

Rod and Linda Sauer

Rodney and Linda Nippert

Rose Colton and Bill Sartori

Rose Marie Isgrigg

Rosemarie Hirning

Rowan Fahl Matlack

Rowan Knutsen

Rudi Beutner

Russell and Liz Chamberlain

Ruth Elizabeth Werlwas

Ryan and Kerry Pigman

Ryan Fogt

Ryan Johnson and Andrew Pueschel

Ryan Smith

Sabrina Garrett

Sallie Anne Roberts and Robert Lazuka

Sally and Don Linder

Sally and Stan Zalek

Sam Bikowski

Sam Crowl and Terry Kelleher

Sam Miller

Samantha Rommel and Brian Vadakin

Samantha Sinn

Sandra and David Cobb

Sandra Conley

Sandy Guinto

Sara Gilfert

Sarah Benton

Sarah Drerup

Sarah Fisher

Sarah Grace

Sarah Haney

Sarah Milligan

Sarah Smith

Scott and Maria Janda

Scott Kester and Donna Goodman

Shane Benton

Shannon Pratt-Harrington

Shannon Rine

Shannon Wells

Sharon Morel

Shawna Wolfe

Shayne Lopez

Sheila and Randall VanDyke

Sheila Shafer

Shirley Tipple

Simon Abeid

Sophia Barry

Sophia Sorboro

Sophie Relitz

Spices of Life

Stacia Stutzman

Stacy Hall and Bill Dix, III

Stephanie and Benjamin Randolph

Stephanie Hunter

Stephen Abdella

Stephen and Rhonda Reilly

Stephen Fopeano

Stephen Lowe

Stephen Ragg

Stephen Scanlan

Steve and Connie Patterson

Sue and Alan Boyd

Susan and Jeff McNish

Susan Hadley and Bradley Sowash

Susan Itterly

Susan Loughridge

Susan McGarvey

Susan Wolpert

Susi Acord

Susie Shaw

Suzanne Knauerhase and William Rhinehart

Svenn Lindskold

T.P. and Carol Sauber

Tanja Kuhre

Tanya Hire

Tara Gilts

Tatum L'Heureux

Taylor Major-Dame

Taylor Weaver

Ted and Cynthia King

Ted Bernard and Donna Lofgren

Teny Bannick

Terry and Sue Van Offeren

Tessa Haffner

The Pigskin Bar and Grille

Theodora Lee Gregg

Theresa Haskew

Theresa Martin

Thomas Smucker

Thomas Stump

Thomas Wolf

Tim and Diane Pfaff

Tim Peacock

Timken Family, LLC

Timothy and Susan Held

Tina Trettin

Tom and Corrine Callaghan

Tom and Sue Banchich

Tom Calhoun

Tom O'Grady

Tom Redfern and Jane Forrest Redfern

Tom Reid

Tony Logan and Mary Duffey

Tracy Farmer

Travis and Carma West

Trevor Rhodes

Trina Thornton

Tyler and Maria Bonner

Tyler Thenikl

United Way of Central Ohio

Ura J. and Aaron N. Hershberger

Vernon and Jennifer Jewett

Vicki Irr

Victoria Mattson

Village Bakery & Cafe

Vincent Paumier


Wanda and Mark Weinberg

Warren Haydon

Warren L. and Millie Fussner

Wayne Lloyd

Wenda Sheard and Richard Thieret

Wendy Bullock

Wesley Bittner

Wesly Hall

White's Mill

Whit's Frozen Custard

Wilbur (Kira) Schmidt

William and Barbara Schlater

Ximeng Sun

Yi-Ting Wang

Zachary Reizes

Zack Space

ZOD Jackie O's Pub & Brewery